In 1911 management expert Frederick W. Taylor (The Principals of Scientific Management) pioneered the idea of dividing an organization between thinking people (managers) and executing people (workers). As a business management model, Taylorism improved economic efficiency and productivity by establishing a paradigm in which the decision making was the province of the thinking people, and… Read More
The Parts Make It Whole
In the profession of music making there are no unimportant parts. Composers create compositions in which the parts for each instrument scored have a specific musical purpose; conductors make sure all of the parts fit together and that the composer’s intentions are properly executed; musicians are responsible for knowing how their individual part fits in… Read More
The Definition of Insanity…
A couple of years ago I had the pleasure of being a part of a high school football coaching staff. The players which I coached were committed, hard-working, and competitive and possessed a similar talent and ability level relative to that of their competitors. Our coaches were experienced, knowledgeable, and dedicated and knew how to… Read More